Sit back and relax! Our professional staff backed by over a decade of experience in fundraising business will handle securing sponsorship from businesses in your area.
Cost per card: $2.50
Profit per card: $7.50
Total Profit: $7,500
Cost per card: $2.25
Profit per card: $7.75
Total Profit: $11,625
1500 cards
50 members / 30 cards per person
30 cards / 3 (average members per houshold)
= 10 cards per person
That’s 1 card per day per family member!
$10.00 x 1500 cards
= $15,000 total income
– $3000 program cost
This reduces your break-even point to 300 cards, and you will enjoy an 80% PROFIT MARGIN.
*For a 1500 card “The Works” program with an average group size of 50 members. A 1000 card and a 500 card program is available to smaller groups of less than 50 member