Go To The App Store or Google Play Search For: The Discount Card App Download And Open The App

  • Choose I'm A Participant/Student - Read over the instruction slides
  • Enter Your Name & Cell, and Enter Your Group Code. Check Your Text Messages For Your Password
  • Enter Your Cell# and your Password.
  • Your Dashboard should now be on your device (This serves as your Salesman and your Cash Register)
  • You will use your dashboard only during your sales drive and then never use it again after the allotted sale time is over.
  • You're now Ready To Input the Data From Your TDCAPP Kickstart Contact List!

Let’s Begin by Selling Cards...

Touch The “Sell A Discount Card” Icon, Enter their First & Last Name and cell #

  • Select the option “Send to a potential buyer” from the drop down & Enter the name as you refer to this buyer (this is important) Mrs. Jones, Coach Smith, Uncle Tim, etc...
  • Be sure to sell a card to Mom & Dad First (this will give you some practice)
  • Repeat these steps for each donor on your list! 

After you've started selling cards, you can now reach out to close friends and family members who will gladly support your fundraising efforts, but your Discount Card may not be a good option. 

* Think about family, relatives & close friends that support you but DO NOT live in your local city where they could use the card. Most of them will gladly support you with a 1 time donation if they are simply asked to do so. The APP does this for you.

Select the “Ask For A Donation” Icon, Enter their Name and include how you refer to this buyer (this is important) *Mr. Jones, Coach Smith, Uncle Tom, etc...

Enlist some help selling cards...


There's strength in numbers right, so why not enlist the help of your Parents, Relatives or Close Friends to help you sell cards! Here's how:

Have them download The Discount Card APP & Choose “I Am A Participant/Student”

Have them enter your (cell# and password)

* This allows others to sell cards and all activity will be recorded on your dashboard.

Now let’s switch from your Sales Dashboard to the Actual Discount Card so you can use it

Log out of your participant dashboard in the upper right hand corner of your App. Confirm you want to exit your dashboard.

This will log you out as A PARTICIPANT.

Now you will need to log in as “I Purchased A Card” Enter YOUR cell# Enter YOUR password (if you don’t remember choose the “forgot password” and check your text messages) REMEMBER: there are two completely different sides to the APP.

 1. A Sales Side (this is your dashboard) (you will only use this for a few short weeks during the sales drive)

2. A Discount Card Side (after the sales drive is over you will stay logged in and use your card every day for a year)

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